Friday, October 14, 2011

Tadika ABC, Bangsar

I came across this place and saw the banner that says that they accept babies from 2mos. I thought what luck. So I pulled over and rang the doorbell at the gate.

An Indian lady walked out to open the gate for me and asked me, "Yes? What is it?"

"Hi, I'm here to check out your place and this is my baby. He's 2 months old."

"Eh you should make appointment with me."

"OK, sorry. I thought I'd drop by since I was in this area and happen to see your sign that you take in babies. Do you want me to come another time?"

"Sigh Come la come. You have to wait for me. I'm very very busy now."

I pulled out my camera and took a few photos of the kitchen and living hall. The walls and ceilings had children's craft and drawing hung up. I thought they were pretty cool. A Caucasian kid was standing around and he said hello to me. His dad came at the front gate to get him soon after. That lady was in the kitchen feeding a kid and even then she didn't have the most kind and polite tone of voice towards the kid. And she went on rambling and I mean grumbling and ranting about God knows what. I have selective hearing. Lady noticed me taking photos of their place and told me, "Hello! Stop taking photos. Who gave you permission to take photos?"

"Sorry. But why can't I take photos?"

"It's our rules."

"OK." I kept my camera away.

I asked to view the place on the first floor. She was extremely reluctant and went on to say, "How can you not make appointment with me?? I'm so busy. Today I have so much to do. The children are all sleeping upstairs. You cannot go upstairs."

"I'm already here. If you wanted me to make it another day, you can say so. But I'd like to take a quick look."

Long story short - Not exactly spacious upstairs. Babies sleep in cots and the bathroom was not tidy and the toilet wasn't flushed. There was an Indian childminder in the baby's room. Then I shortened the viewing and said, "Why don't you just give me a copy of your fee structure."

Her grumbling and lecturing didn't end at that point and she went on about she had to go the bank and how I made her late, that someone's in the hospital, so on and so on. I stopped her and told her, "My dad had just passed away. Am I taking things out on you? You're not the only one who has busy or bad days. Is it necessary to be so rude? You're very rude." She looked at me and toned down, said she's sorry. But she still didn't stop. What the hell is wrong with this woman?! And she's what.... the manager of Taska ABC? That's the sort of tone of voice she uses around children, to a parent, to a potential customer? That's just an excellent role model. My last question to her was if they're registered with the Health Ministry and Welfare Department.

She shut up? Finally??

I was later told by a friend that there was HFMD outbreak once and they didn't inform the parents about the situation. Hence, the outbreak. Can you say negligence?

ABC Nursery & Kindergarten
111, Jalan Ara, Bangsar Baru

RM1200 monthly  
There's registration fee and some other cost involved. 


  1. Hi, so did u managed to find a good babysitter. Im looking for one. Pls email me at

    1. Not a new one in Taman Desa, no.
      What are the places that you have seen?
